Thursday, June 18, 2009

Penis-shaped mushroom named after frog expert之讀後感

中午吃飯順便看看中午吃飯順便看看scinetic American有沒有啥有趣的新聞


Penis-shaped mushroom named after frog expert

Herpetologist Robert Drewes will forever be remembered for his two-inch Phallus.

In the upcoming issue of the journal Mycologia, scientists describe a new species of stinkhorn fungus from Africa, which they christened Phallus drewesii in honor of their expedition leader.

“I am utterly delighted,” Drewes told the San Jose Mercury News, “The funny thing is that it is the second smallest known mushroom in this genus and it grows sideways, almost limp.”

As the California Academy of Sciences’ curator of herpetology, Drewes has spent his career wrangling snakes and chasing after frogs. Since 2001, he has been leading scientific expeditions to the sparsely populated islands of Sâo Tomé and Príncipe off the coast of West Africa, home to hundreds of plant and animal species found nowhere else on earth.

In 2006, he made the mistake of bringing along his longtime friend, Dennis Desjardin, a mushroom expert at San Francisco State University who recognized the phallic fungus sprouting from a piece of wood as new to science. Stinkhorns like Phallus drewsii, are found mostly in the tropics and their characteristic shape helps them emit an odor of dung or carrion that attracts flies to disperse their spores. The stinkhorn was one of 225 fungus species that expedition scientists collected during two trips to the region, and it is the third species named after Drewes, who also has a snake and a frog to call his own.

“None of my colleagues . . . will let me live it down,” Drewes told the newspaper, “But I love it. It is a form of immortality.”

很有趣的 這個菇類分類學家 把一個看起來像是男性生殖器形狀的新種 用此團隊的開團者命名
雖然這位開團者回答新聞記者說 "我的團隊不會讓我忘記這個 這是一種永生的形式"
但是當每個人看到這個搞笑的菇 都會想到且唸出你的名字
我想他心裡深處應該不是真的love it....

這個新聞讓我想到當初再唸研究所的時候 一位作安康魚的學生 再把一條無法鑑定的種類
為了拍馬屁 就用當時我們老闆的名字去命名

會說拍馬屁 實在是因為這種命名方式跟一般分類學家的方式不太一樣
一般分類學家如果不用外觀來命名 而用人名來命名時 一般有幾個方式
1.自己: 自己發現的物種 想要出名 就用自己名字來命名 如:斯文豪氏攀蜥 (斯文豪這家伙做了不少台灣的物種)
2.紀念再採樣中間貢獻的人 朋友 發現者
3.自己的妻子或是女兒 通常分類學家到處啪啪走 都放得家人不管 所以以他門為名來補償一下

當然啦 老闆出錢 有時候也是要拍馬一下
只是以研究學者來觀點來看 新種命名以外觀或是發現地點來命 比較有意義

所以啦 我就想到不知道是不是很多人如果聽到邵氏安康魚邵氏安康魚....就會把這隻魚的外觀跟我之前的老闆連在一起
不過 說老實話 我們實驗室上下一致公認 其實這位作安康魚的學生 其實長得比較像安康魚
這可能就是這股血緣的關係 冥冥之中 將他門連在一起的力量
為了支持我說法我將兩個兄弟擺在一起 大家可以評論看看

如果有人問我說哪一個才是我同學 就太誇張了喔
......(如果不是一個躺在冰上 一個坐在椅子上 可能可能........)

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