Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2nd batch of home roaster~~

上個週末 烘了一些豆子後
星期一很興奮的就煮了一杯Espresso + milk froth
結果第一杯 狀況很差 應該是磨的太粗 看了很久後 決定還是倒掉
隔天就比較抓的到狀況 運氣好的rosetta 也拉了可以看到端倪

帶了豆子去學校 給一些朋友 試一下
結果深烘培的Brazil 評價不佳
混合Ethiopian和Indonesian Java的 就比較好些
所以後來完全就用 Brazil:Ethio 1:1和 Brazil: Java 1:1的比例 來煮

今天晚上 就在烘一次
這一次 就準備烘的比較淺

B46Kenya AA FAQ Kenya Mountain 肯亞AA;(CityFull City) 中焙

B38Ethiopia Yirgachefee 伊索比亞---耶加雪夫 (City);淺焙至中度烘焙

A27Brazil Santos N.Y.2 #18 巴西---山多士;(CityFull City) 中焙

A25Indonesia Java Arabica SC18 爪哇--阿拉比卡水洗豆;(CityFull City) 中焙

B50 PNG Red; mountain A巴布新几內亞;PNG Red(CityFull City)中深烘焙

雖然我購買的地點 有些不太一樣 但是同一個產地的 我就覺得應該烘培程度差不多


Brazil: 75g, 5'30"

Indonesian Java 75g 5'30"

Ethiopian 75g 5'00"

Kenya AA 75g 5'30"

PNG 75g 5'00"

每種產地的味道 都很明顯
巴西的香味 覺得非常適合在Espresso 裡面
明天 將會採用coffeesnob網站的建議去blend


真期待 明天早晨的咖啡

"For blending, try this: roast some of your Harar or Yirgachefe. Stop the roast immediately when 2C begins (or slightly before if possible). Then roast some Sumatran - you can go darker for this type of bean.

Now try some of the Ethiopian and Sumatran in equal quantities. This is the classic Mocha Java blend and it is a staple among many coffee roasters. Always a winner.

Try different proportions of each bean such as 60:40 to see how each works. Then try roasting them at different times so one rests longer than the other before blending. For example, blend a 10 day old Indonesian with a 5-7 day old Harar or Yirg.

Now roast some Brazilian and try equal quantities of the Ethiopian, Indo and Brazil. The Brazil will tend to even the flavours out so the roast will taste smoother. But this is my taste - yours may well be different."

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